Matthieu Giraud
Global Director Bioorganic Platform
Corden Pharma
Dr. Matthieu Giraud joined CordenPharma in 2017 as Director, Global Peptides, Lipids & Carbohydrates Platforms, CordenPharma International. Prior to joining CordenPharma Matthieu held various senior positions in the CMO business, with >20 years of experience in increasingly senior roles, culminating as the Director, Head of R&D Peptides and Oligonucleotides at Lonza (CH), then Head of API production at BASF Pharma (CH), API Site Manager at BASF Pharma (FR), and finally Key Account Manager for Siegfried (CH). Matthieu has a Ph.D. in peptide chemistry from the University of Montpellier (FR), where he conducted research in the group of Prof. J. Martinez, jointly with Osaka University in the group of Prof. Shimonishi.