Submit your poster

Poster Proposal Format

Your proposal should include the following information.

Please limit your proposal to two (2) pages. Posters abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings. Poster proposals will not be published.

Proposer: Include name, address, phone number, email address, web address (if applicable), etc.

Statement of Topic: A short title.

Significance and Relevance of the Topic: Please explain why the topic is significant to the purposes of this conference. This information can help your proposal to be selected if resources become an issue.

Content: A description of the expected content of the poster.

Abstract: Please provide a short (300 words) abstract describing your poster.



Poster build up

Posters will be displayed during the whole event.

Panels of 80 (W) x 120 (H) cm will be positioned in the exhibition area.

Submit your proposal by filling out the form below

    Select your track

    Upload your abstract here: